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Table 2 Abbreviations

From: A practical guideline for performing a comprehensive transthoracic echocardiogram in the congenital heart disease patient: consensus recommendations from the British Society of Echocardiography

A2C: Apical two chamber

PAP: Pulmonary artery pressure

A3C: Apical three chamber

PASP: Pulmonary artery systolic pressure

A4C: Apical four chamber

PDA: Patent ductus arteriosus

A5C: Apical five chamber

PG: Pressure gradient

Ab. Ao.: Abdominal aorta

PHT: Pressures half time

AMVL: Anterior mitral valve leaflet

PLAX: Parasternal long axis

AoV: Aortic valve

PMVSD: Peri-membranous ventricular septal defect

Asc. Ao.: Ascending aorta

PR: Pulmonary regurgitation

ASD: Atrial septal defect

PSAX: Parasternal short axis

AVA: Aortic valve area

PV: Pulmonary valve

BCA: Brachiocephalic artery

PWD: Pulsed wave Doppler

BSA: Body surface area

RA: Right atrium

BSE: British Society of Echocardiography

RAO: Right anterior oblique

CFD: Colour flow Doppler

RAP: Right atrial pressure

CS– Coronary sinus

RAVV: Right atrioventricular valve

CWD: Continuous wave Doppler

RCA: Right coronary artery

Desc. Ao.: Descending aorta

RLPV: Right lower pulmonary vein

DVI: Dimensionless velocity index

RPA: Right pulmonary artery

EROA: Effective regurgitant orifice area

RSVC: Right superior vena cava

IA: Innominate artery

RUPV: Right upper pulmonary vein

IAS: Inter atrial septum

RV: Right ventricle

IVC: Inferior vena cava

RVSP: Right ventricle systolic pressure

IVSDd/s: Inter ventricular septum diameter, diastole/systole

RVIDd: Right ventricle internal diameter, diastole

LA: Left atrium

RVOT: Right ventricle outflow tract

LAA: Left atrial appendage

RWMA: Regional wall motion abnormality

LAVV: Left atrioventricular valve

SC4C: Subcostal four chamber

LCCA: Left common carotid artery

SoV: Sinus of valsalva

LCA: Left coronary artery

SSN: Suprasternal notch

LLPV: Left lower pulmonary vein

ST Jcn: Sinotubular junction

LPA: Left pulmonary artery

TAPSE: Tricuspid annular planar systolic excursion

LSVC: Left superior vena cava

TDI: Tissue Doppler imaging

LUPV: Left upper pulmonary vein

ToF: Tetralogy of Fallot

LV: Left ventricle

TR: Tricuspid regurgitation

LVIDd/s: Left ventricle internal diameter, diastole/systole

TTE: Transthoracic echocardiography

LVOT: Left ventricle outflow tract

TV: Tricuspid valve

LVPWDd/s: Left ventricle posterior wall diameter, diastole/systole

Vmax: Maximum velocity

MAPSE: Mitral annular planar systolic excursion

VSD: Ventricular septal defect

MM: M-mode

VTI: Velocity time integral

MPA: Main pulmonary artery

2D: Two dimensional

MV: Mitral valve

3D: Three dimensional

PA: Pulmonary artery