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Table 4 Right atrial structure and function

From: The impact of image and performance enhancing drugs on atrial structure and function in resistance trained individuals


Current user Mean ± SD

Past user Mean ± SD


Mean ± SD

RA Area (cm)

19 ± 4a

17 ± 3

15 ± 3

RA Area Index (cm2 m−2)

8 ± 1

8 ± 2

12 ± 18

RA reservoir strain (%)

36 ± 10a

43 ± 14

44 ± 13

RA conduit strain (%)

25 ± 8a

31 ± 14

33 ± 10

RA booster strain (%)

12 ± 5

13 ± 6

13 ± 5

  1. RA right atria
  2. aDenotes significance < 0.05 between current users and non-users